Are your templates suitable for use with international clients?
Absolutely - many of our clients have an international coaching practice. It is up to you to specify what law applies to your contract with your client. This then remains the same no matter what country your client is based in. Our contracts are subject to English law and comply with European consumer protection law. They work well for coaches with an international client base. However, if you are a coach based in the U.S. and all of your clients are also in the U.S. It would probably make more sense for your contract to be subject to the law of the state where you are based.
Do I have to offer a 14 day cooling off period to consumers?
Yes you do - if you do not comply with consumer protection legislation and provide coaching services to consumers, you risk not being able to rely on your contract when you need it most. However, you will see in the contract that if your client consents to you starting to provide coaching to them before the end of the cooling off period, they lose the right to cancel the contract.
If my clients are both businesses and consumers, which contract do I use?
You should choose the consumer contract in this instance. It covers both business and consumer clients. If you coach any consumers at all it is really important that your contract complies with consumer protection legislation otherwise it will not stand up and protect you when you need it most.